Which Home Renovation Services Increase Resale Value?

When updating your home, it’s important to consider which home renovation services pay off the most in resale value. These 4 renovation projects pay off the most.

Have you just bought a new house, or are you looking to sell your home this year?

Doing some essential building and maintenance work will be in your future. What you do though, will affect the resale value of your home.

What home renovation services should you be focusing on in order to maximize your profit?

Here’s what you should plan to do this year.

Does It Matter Which Home Renovation Services You Choose?

Everyone has different priorities when it comes to their homes.

— Maybe your kitchen is dated, and your desperate to rip it out and replace it with something that’s much more contemporary and modern.

— Perhaps the colors of the walls just aren’t pleasing to you, and so you’re looking to wallpaper the walls where there was paint before.

There’s all kinds of different things you could do, so what does it matter what remodeling services choose to do first?

It’s actually more important than you’d think.

In general, if you have structural jobs as well as cosmetic jobs that need doing, it’s much better to handle the structural jobs first.

Your bathtub may be a fetching shade of green, but if you don’t fix the leaking roof first no one will want to buy your home anyway.

A buyer would much rather buy a home that’s structurally sound but a bit dated, rather than a totally up to date home with several issues that haven’t been addressed.

Bathrooms And Kitchens

First, let’s look at bathroom and kitchen home renovation services.

If you’re only going to do one major remodel job this year, it should be in one of these rooms.

This is where buyers can see where you’ve spent your money, and if you’ve had it well designed.

Picking good quality appliances and cabinets will go a long way towards improving the resale value of your home.

After all, people spend a lot of time in these two rooms, and would rather not remodel them themselves if they don’t have to.

– Bathrooms

For your bathroom, note that buyers are now leaning more towards installations like walk in showers, rather than hot tubs and similar appliances.

With many people so time poor, they just don’t have time to relax in baths. Instead, a walk in shower offers similar luxury that they can enjoy on their time.

If you only have one bathroom in your home, then the best thing you can do is add a second bathroom.

It’s amazing how much this will increase the value of your home.

After all, there’s nothing better than the convenience of another bathroom, when one is already in use.

– Kitchens

As for your kitchen, and up to date kitchen with new appliances will look much better to potential buyers.

You can take out everything and replace it if you have the budget.

If you don’t though, doing something simple like repainting the cabinets will go a long way towards making it look better.

Home Renovation Services That Add to Resale Value of Your Home - Skyline Construction and Remodeling

Adding Another Room

Look at your home now.

Is there something about it that isn’t quite right?

Maybe there aren’t enough bathrooms, or you could really use another bedroom, or home office.

Perhaps an extra living space would help enormously. Whatever it is, you can extend your space by adding another room to your home.

This is a large job, and you’ll need to be prepared for a lot of noise, interruption, and new people in your home as its completed.

These home renovation services take the longest amount of time, but the payoff is arguably the biggest.

Having more room in your home makes it much more valuable to buyers, so it’s something you need to consider.

Home Maintenance

No one wants to buy a home if there’s lots of basic work to be done on it. Before you start on any other projects, look at what basic maintenance needs to be done.

Start from the top of your house and work your way down.

— Is your roof in need of repair? Get on a ladder and take look. Get into your attic too and look inside, to see what the state of the roof is like. One you’ve done that, check around your home to see what needs attention.

— Does your HVAC system need repair or replacement? Do the windows need replacing? Go down into the basement and check there’s no water leaking in, or foundation issues.

Whatever you find, focus on that first. These jobs need to be done to ensure that your home is in good condition and worth buying.

No one wants to look at a beautiful house, only to find that the roof needs to be replaced. You’ll have to do these jobs first, before you change out the old 90’s style kitchen.

It’s annoying to have to live with the outdated decor while you do this, but it’s worth the time and money.

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Improve Curb Appeal

Something you’ll want to do if you’re selling your home is to improve the curb appeal. When potential buyers come to view your property, the outside is the first thing they’ll see.

As the saying goes, first impressions matter. Your home needs to look neat and inviting, and leave a good impression on the buyers.

Every home owner will need to do something a little different to improve their home.

— You may just need to do some weeding, and keep the lawn trimmed so it looks neat.

— You may need to replace the driveway or front door, so they look new and well kept. This job could also include some home exterior work such as stucco repair or repainting.

You’ll need to handle all those jobs so your home looks like the best version of itself.


As you can see, the most important home renovation services handle those maintenance jobs that need to be handled.

That means replacing the roof, fixing your foundations, or repairing the HVAC system.

Whatever it is, handle it first, and then make improvements such as a new bathroom or kitchen.

These will drastically improve the resale value of your home.