5 Simple Exterior House Painting Tips for Spring

A bleak winter is finally ending and spring buds and flowers are emerging. That also may mean that it’s time for your annual spring cleaning not only inside your home, but outside, too. Spring is a time to freshen up all that has been rendered dull, dingy, or faded from winter; this includes the paint on the exterior of your home. To do so, consider these 5 simple exterior house painting tips.

The exterior coat of paint not only protects the materials that make up your home, but also enhances curb appeal and the value of your home.

So, if it looks dingy, it can make your home look less appealing if you’re trying to sell.

Plus, everyone can appreciate a fresh coat of paint. So before you buy a few gallons of latex paint and start throwing ladders up the side of your home, consider these exterior house painting tips for Spring.


Paint First, Then Landscape

A key to a successful paint job involves, in part, painting the home first, before you do any serious landscaping or gardening.

This is because painting can be a messy, disorganized job. You’ll have excess water coming off the home if you power wash it before painting (as you should).

Plus ladders and the necessity of maneuvering around the foundation of your home would certainly damage any flowers or plants you place.

It’s better to just wait until you’re finished painting to start your Spring gardening projects.


Consider the Weather

The weather is one of the most important considerations when it comes to painting the exterior of your home, not only for your own safety while painting but also to ensure you get the best result possible from the paint job.

The general rule is to avoid extreme temperatures, either hot or cold–moderate and mild temperatures are the best.

Be sure to check the weather for the entire time you’ll be painting, as weather can change quickly and you don’t want to be stuck in a rainstorm with a house covered in wet or damp paint.

Temperatures that are too hot can cause paint to dry too quickly, whereas moisture or excessive humidity will interfere, as well.

And its stating the obvious to say that you don’t want to paint on a windy day because dust, dirt, or other particles could become stuck to wet paint and cause problems.


Home Exterior Painting Tips | Skyline Construction and Remodeling

Type of Paint

Another one of the most important exterior house painting tips we can give you is this; research your paint. Take time to consider what type of paint you want to use on the exterior of your home.

These days, manufacturers have come up with many different technological advances when it comes to paint that can make your paint job last longer and look better.

For example, if you live in a very sunny area, you may want to look for a UV-ray proof paint that will have additional protection against fading.

There are also paint types that are specially formulated to protect against mildew and mold.

hese high-tech paints may be more expensive, but may be worth it in the long run if it means you won’t have to deal with common household headaches like fading and fungus.

Be sure, however, to use a safe paint; this is not as much of a problem now, but be sure that your paint is lead-free.

Many older paints contained lead and, though industry standards may prohibit this, it’s always worth double-checking your paint just to make sure.


Reasons to Paint Your Home

Painting your home is a big job. So, you may be reluctant or think that it’s not even a necessary part of your Spring cleaning. But in reality, it’s an easy way to make a big and positive change for your home.

1. Painting your home is an affordable but major change. You can either refresh a current color, or completely change the look of the exterior of your home in just a few day’s time.

2. Painting the exterior of your home will also protect the surface of your home from moisture and rot; latex paint can serve as a protectant from the elements.

3. If you’re looking to sell your home in the near or distant future, painting the exterior can boost the value and curb appeal of your home. It’s a great way to increase what your home is worth with minimal costs to do so.


Exterior House Painting Tips

The painting process is a relatively simple one and you’ll be pleased with the results, provided you take your time and follow a few key exterior house painting tips.

1. Before you paint, be sure to power wash your home thoroughly. This will remove any dirt, dust, grime, chipped paint, and other items that would make it difficult for a new coat of paint adhere to the surface.

2. Let the surface dry thoroughly. Don’t rush this process — it needs to be completely dry!

3. Remove any left-over paint that may be flaking off of a previous coat and that survived the power wash.

4. Apply primer first–this will help the new coat of paint stick to the surface better.

5. Next, apply latex paint. You’ll usually need one to two coats; you may need more if you’re going from a dark color to a lighter color.

6. For a well-finished look, use a caulking gun to seal cracks and joints; this will not only look nice, but will also help you avoid leaks, mold, and mildew.



Spring is a great time to take care of projects that will freshen up your home, both inside and out.

Whether your goal is to increase the value of your home or just change up the design, painting the exterior of your home is a great way to do both.

It can be an easier process if you take care to paint first, then garden, and also keep a close eye on the weather on the day you plan to paint.

You’ll also want to consider using a paint that will help you prevent things like mold, mildew, and fading, as taking this extra step will certainly be worth it if you can avoid these inconveniences.

If you decide to paint your home this Spring, following these exterior house painting tips will ensure an impressive result.