Building a Bedroom Addition? You Need to Know These 6 Things

If you’re considering building a bedroom addition onto your home, you know how exciting and intimidating the process is. With this guide, it doesn’t have to be.

A well planned and executed addition creates valuable space, while being thoughtfully constructed to look and feel like a natural part of your home. There are many reasons to build an addition, but some of the most common projects include master bedroom expansions, guest rooms and mother-in-law apartments, children’s bedrooms, sunrooms and decks, as well as finished basements.

Regardless of what type of addition you intend to build, there are some very important key steps to successfully constructing a room addition.

How to Build a Bedroom Addition

When expanding or building a bedroom, the process is similar to other addition projects, yet there are some differences.

For a bedroom addition, there are 7 steps to take to ensure your addition goes smoothly:

1. Understand the Scale of the Project

You might as well be building a house. This is a bit of an exaggeration but still a very valid point.

Constructing an addition is similar to constructing a house, just on a smaller scale. In this way, you’ll need to carefully mind most of the same details and requirements, including

  • — Hiring a contractor
  • — Securing permits
  • — Planning the foundation
  • — Factoring in roofing, electric wiring, plumbing, framing and window installation

While the details may be complicated, a little proper planning for your addition goes a long way by working out each aspect in advance and consulting with experienced professionals.

Luckily, Skyline Construction and Remodeling handles all aspects of planning for you – from securing permits, creating foundations, wiring plumbing, and everything else.

2. Plan Financially for the Construction

Maybe you’re accustomed to pulling from your slush fund to cover remodeling and renovation costs for minor home fixes and updates. Planning for an addition is quite different because it will require a more sizable investment.

Some estimates recommend preparing to pay $80-$200 per square foot. Keep in mind that numbers vary significantly according to zip code.

In order to finance your bedroom addition, you will likely need to request a second mortgage, home equity line or special line of credit. Meet with a personal banker at your financial institution and typically they will offer you a loan based on the estimated value of your home. estimated for 2018 that homeowners spent between $24,897 and $42,357 to build a single room addition.

Much of this comes from labor costs:

  • — An architect will run $1.25 to $5 per square foot
  • — Engineering runs from $100 to $150 an hour
  • — Building permits cost $100 – $500.

When it comes to putting up the structure:

  • — Framing runs $300 to $1,000
  • — Insulation, drywall, HVAC and electrical wiring each costing in the $1,000-$2,000 range

Roofing materials generally are priced at $5 to $50 per square foot, windows cost between $180 and $500 each, with doors priced around $800 each.

Meanwhile, flooring may require $1,000 to $4,000 depending on the material.

3. Find a Contractor

The smartest way to build a home addition? Leave it to the experts.

A contractor has access to trusted sub-contractors, including technicians, painters and construction workers, and can also help you secure cost-effective pricing on materials.

Another benefit to working with a contractor is that they will help you budget realistically for the construction.

With a contractor, you know that they are familiar with building procedures, inspections and city requirements and can make sure you make the best investment possible and end up with sound, long-lasting construction.

Contractors usually charge a percentage of the project cost, so if construction comes out to $75,000 and the contractor charges 15%, that will add $11,250 to the cost, bringing your total to $86,250.

Contact Us Today to Learn About Our Room Additions | Skyline Construction and Remodeling

4. Lay the Groundwork

One fundamental aspect of building an addition is the foundation. A strong foundation should be on equal level with your existing home and requires precision to avoid common mistakes.

To prepare, the appropriate depth should be calculated, and the area excavated. Foundations are then built using cement or permanently treated lumber and the remaining area will need to be filled.

Remember that your local government or community board has set restrictions on the buildable portion of your land, meaning that usually it is not allowable to build to the limit of your property lines. A good foundation will support your home and bedroom addition for years to come, with minimal maintenance.

5. Are You Building Up or Out?

Building upward instead of outward is a popular option among homeowners, given that it doesn’t require additional lot space, excavation or foundational procedures.

Taking your house up a story can add value to the home, especially if the new height brings access to a view. If you plan to go up, it’s advisable to work with an architect as it is a very complex construction process and might require reinforcing the house walls or frame.

Also, be sure to check for height restrictions on homes in your area.

Another less complicated option is to choose a detached addition. This may include a mother-in-law apartment or a separated studio, garage or workshop.

6. Understand Your Return on Investment

Having more space may feel like the best money you’ve ever spent, regardless of whether it pays off financially by increasing the value of your home.

Maybe selling your home is not on the horizon, but it helps to know the value of your home and investments. According to, you can generally expect high returns on all additions.

For example, you will receive a return of:

  • — 49% on a sunroom addition
  • — 53% on a bedroom addition
  • — 63% on a master suite addition
  • — 50% on a bathroom addition
  • 80% on a deck addition 
  • — 65% on a two-story addition

Seek more specific advice from your contractor or other property expert. If you’re not comfortable with the investment value, consider if a simple remodel will be more cost effective. For example, creating a finished attic or basement to increase useable space.

Final Thoughts

Building a bedroom addition is an exciting and dynamic project to take on.

Most homeowners are not amateur experts in construction, which makes it especially important to hire a trusted contractor. Ask among family, friends and neighbors for recommendations.

When you’ve selected a contractor for the project, ask to see examples of their work and referrals from former clients. Try not to be stressed by the cost or time involved and simply look forward to enjoying the new space with your family.