The Best House Addition Plans to Consider When Remodeling

In Los Angeles, house additions plans are a popular option for renovations. These 6 options will help you determine which additions are best for you.

You have a small home, and you’ve decided it’s time to expand it by placing an addition on it. A well made addition will add crucial space to your home, allowing you to spread out and enjoy your home the way you want to. What are the best house addition plans for small homes?

Here are some ideas that you can try on your own property.

House Addition Plans for Small Homes

One of the best ways to transform your home is to add onto it. Building a new space to add to your existing home allows you to create the space you need, at a price that works for you.

Not sure where to start? Consider these house addition plans to expand and transform your home:

  1. A sun room
  2. Extensions of existing rooms to increase space
  3. Create the illusion of extra space by building up
  4. Add a modular extension
  5. Build an extra bathroom or bedroom
  6. Create a new family room for double the space

These 6 home addition ideas allow you to build the space you need directly into your existing property.

1. A Sun Room

If there’s a spot on your property that gets consistent sunlight, then a sun room could be the perfect addition for it.

For many people, the thought of this brings to mind chilly rooms that can only be used when the sun is out during warmer weather.

With modern sun rooms, nothing could be further from the truth. A modern sun room blurs the line between a ‘regular’ room and a sun room.

You can add all the trappings of a regular room, including power, a fireplace, lighting and so on.

However, with glass ceilings and large windows, you can let the sunlight in.

Place your sun room looking into your yard or garden, and you can bring nature indoors to you.

Under floor heating can make it perfect for use all year round too, so a sun room is a worthwhile consideration.

2. Extensions To Existing Rooms

If you’re looking for house addition plans that add to your current house, why not extend a room you already have to make it bigger?

With some home extensions, homeowners are put off because they don’t want to spend a large amount of money on renovations. However, a lot of that money can go into creating whole new rooms, plumbing for extra bathrooms, and so on.

If you’re simply extending an existing room, you won’t be paying for a lot of these extras.

Depending on where the extension needs to be made, you may not even notice that it’s been done once the contractors leave.

Extend on the back of your home, and you’ll never even be able to tell where the extension has been made.

You can extend any room you like, but many people decide to extend their living spaces.

These house addition plans makes a lot of sense, as these are the spaces you’ll spend the most time in other than your bedroom.

An extended living space can make all the difference. You can make a cramped sitting room feel roomy just with a few extra feet added on.

It’s well worth investigating for yourself.

3. Create The Illusion Of Space In Small Extensions

If you’re only having a small extension added to your home, there’s no reason why you can’t make it look bigger than it is.

This is perfect for homes that don’t have a lot of square footage, so you can’t extend as far as you’d like to. The trick is in the additions you make to a room.

A vaulted ceiling is a trick that many contractors use.

Using vertical space makes a room feel a lot more airy than it actually is. You can also use large windows and French doors in order to gain a similar effect.

Neutral paint colors can finish off the look, making that room look much larger than it actually is.

These house addition plans utilize your space to appear much larger than it is, which in turn makes the room more cozy.

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4. Modular Additions

A modular addition is an extension to your home that isn’t directly connected to the house.

Instead, it’s often attached via a hallways or other walkway, making the addition somewhat private and secluded from the rest of the household.

You can use modular extensions for all kinds of reasons.

You may want a living space where your children can play, and entertain their friends as they get older. Maybe you want your own living space, or an office where you can work from home without being interrupted.

These house addition plans are perfect for all kinds of living situations.

Some modular extensions come as pre-fabricated constructions, so ensure you shop around and see what’s available to you as a homeowner.

5. An Extra Bathroom Or Bedroom

Sometimes, you’re going to need some extra space in your home and you won’t want to move.

When you’ve already put so much time into your home, you don’t want to move away when you need a little more extra space.

Whether you need an extra bedroom for a new addition, or a bathroom to serve everyone in your home, an extension can help you make this happen.

These are the most common room addition ideas, but they’re also some of the most reasonable.

A good construction company can help you see where this addition should go, and how much space you have for it.

You may find that you can build over a garage, or elsewhere on the second floor.

Wherever that addition goes, it can make all the difference to your property.

6. Create A New Family Room

Finally, why not use that new room you’re creating to add a whole new family room?

This is an especially good idea if you have enough space to create a bigger room than the one that’s currently in your home.

This gives you more space to relax in as a family , and more room for activities if you like playing board games or getting extended family over to celebrate the holidays.

As a bonus, you can use the previous family room as a space for something else.

For example, if you don’t already have a dining room you can place a dining table in there.

If you love reading, you can create your very own mini library in there. The choices really are endless.

Conclusion: Building A Plan That’s Perfect For You

There are many house addition plans and ideas to transform your space.

Whatever you decide to do with your small home extension, pick something that’s right for you.

Your construction team can help you make the most out of the space you have, and create an extension that fits in seamlessly with your existing home.

Now’s the time to find a spot for your new room and make it happen. Find a team that will help you make your room addition plans come to life, and soon you’ll have a home you’ll love.