What Influences the Cost of Remodeling a Kitchen?

There are many decisions that must be made during a kitchen remodel, many of which will affect how expensive it is. These are the most common factors that affect the cost of remodeling a kitchen.

Remodeling your kitchen is a large and extensive job, there’s no doubt.

When it’s done it’s worth it, as you’ll have a kitchen that’s designed to suit you and your needs.

What Determines the Cost of Remodeling a Kitchen?

While you’re remodeling though, you need to keep on top of the costs involved.

The first step is to create a kitchen remodeling budget. It’s important to determine your priorities.

To help you with this, we’ll discuss the several factors that will affect the cost of remodeling a kitchen.

Here’s what you’ll need to consider before you get started.

1. Kitchen Size

Firstly, the size of your kitchen is going to affect how much you pay for your remodel. This is a fairly simple factor.

The bigger your kitchen is, the more you’ll need to pay.

For example, you may have more kitchen cabinets, so you’ll need to buy more to replace them.

The kitchen will have a bigger floor plan, so you’ll need more flooring to cover it. It’ll affect the time spent remodeling, too.

2. The Elements Of Your Remodel

There are different elements of your kitchen that will affect the price of your remodel. The more elements you change, the more you’ll be paying for the project.

Think about all the different things that you’ll want to change out in your kitchen.

These include things like

  • — Cabinets
  • — Countertops
  • — Appliances
  • — Walls
  • — Flooring

If all of them need to be changed, then you’ll be paying more. If you can leave the flooring or the lighting as it is though, you’ll pay less overall.

Aspects That Change The Cost of Remodeling a Kitchen | Skyline Construction and Remodeling

3. Labor Fees

Don’t forget that it’s not just the construction of new kitchen ware that you’re paying for, it the labor too.

This will tack on around 22% to the cost of remodeling a kitchen. 

Although this percentage sounds like a lot, you may end up paying more if you attempt to remodel yourself and it doesn’t go well.

This is separate from the design fees you’ll pay, which many homeowners don’t realize.

4. Kitchen Cabinet Replacement Vs. Repainting

In the past, you’d often be told that the only way to change the look of your cabinets is to replace them. Now though, you do have another option in repainting your existing cabinets.

Repainting, as you would imagine, costs a lot less than replacing the cabinets entirely. If you like the cabinets you have and they just need a refresh, this is a cost effective way to do it.

If the cabinets are getting on in years and need to be replaced though, this won’t be an option for you.

You’ll need to consider whether your cabinets are in good enough shape for painting before you begin.

5. Changing Utilities

If your kitchen hasn’t been remodeled in a long time, you’ll find that there are certain changes you’ll need to make.

For example, your electrical wiring may need to be beefed up in order to meet modern building codes.

You’ll also need to make changes depending on what you’re doing with your remodel.

Going from a regular refrigerator to one with an ice maker means you’ll need to run extra plumbing though your kitchen.

If you need to make important changes to your utilities, then this will add to the cost of remodeling a kitchen.

6. Changing The Layout

On a similar note, you’ll be paying more for your remodel if you’re changing up the layout of it.

  • —- Moving the sink somewhere new, or moving your dishwasher, will require you to change your plumbing to suit these changes.
  • —- The same goes if you’re moving electrical appliances around. If you want to put your refrigerator somewhere new, then you’ll need to add an electrical outlet in that spot for it.

This adds more onto your budget, so you’ll need to consider whether the changes are important enough to justify it.

7. Flooring Options

There’s lots of different flooring options out there for you to choose from, so you’ve got to be sure you’re getting the one that’s right for you.

All these different options will come at different price points, so this will factor into your decision.

  • —- Laminate flooring is a cheaper alternative to hardwood, but if it gets too wet the water can seep into the flooring, damaging it.
  • —- Hardwood is a more expensive option, but it looks good and will last for years.
  • —- Tiling is another hardier option, but again it will cost more.

8. Countertop Options

You’ll also need to consider your countertop options when you’re determining the cost of remodeling a kitchen.

This is another area where you’ve got a lot of choice, but the varying prices will affect your decision.

  • —- The cheapest options are laminated style countertops. They’re easy to install and care for, but they’re not as fashionable these days as other options.
  • —- Stone countertops, such as granite, look fantastic but are harder to care for and will cost more.
  • —- Tiled countertops are relatively new, and also look good but also will be more expensive than other options.

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9. Appliances

These days, you’ve got more choice when it comes to your appliances than ever before. The cost of the appliances you buy will vary a lot, depending on the features they have.

You will save a lot of money if you go for lower end models, that don’t come with all the bells and whistles.

Be aware that is you go too inexpensive, the appliances may not last as long as you’d want.

If you want higher end appliances, such as smart appliances and those with extra features, you will be paying more. Factor warranties and servicing costs into your budget too, as you may need to pay more for them.

10. Lighting

Finally, you’ll need to think about lighting. It won’t have a significant impact on your budget unless you start adding in extras.

For example, recessed and under cabinet lighting will cost more, depending on what you buy and how you have it installed.


There’s lots of factors that affect your budget when it comes to the cost of remodeling a kitchen, and these are just a few of them.

Keep in mind these aspects of remodeling will take following portions of your budget:

  • — Cabinets: 35 percent
  • — Labor: 22 percent
  • — Appliances: 20 percent
  • — Windows: 10 percent
  • — Fixtures: 5 percent
  • — Fittings: 3 percent
  • — Other: 5 percent

Plan your remodel carefully, to get the most bang for your buck.