The Ultimate Spring Home Maintenance Checklist for Your Home

Spring is just around the corner, and that means you’ll be thinking about how to refresh your home for the coming season; now you can with this spring home maintenance checklist.

Why Do You Need a Spring Home Maintenance Checklist?

After the cold and rainy winter months, once summer approaches, there is a lot that must be done to your home.

This is especially true in California, where wet winters may lead to underlying issues with your home.

For some that means clearing out the clutter in their homes, for others that means getting around to all those repairs that you’ve been meaning to do.

Here’s an easy spring home maintenance checklist for your home, to ensure that it’s the best it can be.


1. Wash And Inspect Your Windows

As the sun’s coming out, you’ll soon see all the dirt that’s accumulated on your windows.

Grab a bottle of window cleaner and some old newspapers, and get to work washing down the window panes. As you do this, inspect your windows for signs of disrepair or damage.

For example, you may find mold or rot in the window jambs, or around the frame.

If you find any, it will be time to call in window fitters to repair the damage.

If the damage is extensive, then you may need to replace the windows entirely.

Spring is the best time to do while the weather is warming up.

2. Check Your Roof And Guttering

One of the most important aspects of this spring home maintenance checklist is: check your roofing.

Over the winter months, you’ll have endured plenty of bad weather.

That weather takes its toll on your roof, so you need to check it out.

— Get on a ladder and take a look at the roof.

— Are the shingles in place? If any are loose or missing, it’s time to replace them ASAP.

It’s usually a good idea to keep an extra box of shingles when you replace your roof. When you need to replace a shingle, you’ll have one that matches the ones already on your roof.

— Don’t forget to get into the attic and check the roof there too, to ensure there’s no light coming through.

— You’ll also need to check your gutters. Over the winter, leaves and other debris will make their way into the gutters, clogging them up.

In rainy weather it allows water to overflow onto your roof, leading to mold.

Clear out any debris, and consider installing a gutter guard in order to stop debris piling up again.

Spring Home Maintenance Checklist - Skyline Construction and Remodeling

3. Inspect Your HVAC System

Spring is the best time to inspect your HVAC system, as you won’t be experiencing higher temperatures just yet.

You will want to do it now, as you want to find any issues before you need your air conditioning to combat higher temperatures.

 Firstly, check the age of your system. If it’s older than 10 years, it may be worth looking into replacing it. This will give you a much more efficient machine, as well as reducing maintenance costs overall.

If the machine is still quite new, then you can do some checks to ensure all is working as it should. Turn the AC on to see if it’s all working correctly.

— If something won’t run, then you’ll need to call in a maintenance team to replace parts for you.

You can take care of some issues yourself, such as cleaning air filters, so read the manual to see what you can do.

4. Tackle The Mold In Your Bathroom

As your bathroom is the wettest room in the house, it’s prime for mold to take up residence, making it another aspect of your spring home maintenance checklist and criteria.

Inspect your bathroom for signs of mold around the faucets, in the grouting, or anywhere else in the bathroom.

You want to stop it before it gets any worse, so get a specially designed mold killing solution and clean out your bathroom.

— If you want to go the natural route, use hot water and white vinegar to tackle it.

— In some cases though, if the mold has been left to collect for too long, it may be too difficult to clean out.

In these cases, the best thing to do will be to replace it.

If you’re struggling to clean out your bathroom, you want to consider retiling or remodeling it.

5. Give The House A Spring Cleaning

It’s the season, so now’s the time to break out the mop and bucket and really go to town on your home’s interiors.

Go one room at a time, and clean off every surface.

— Start with polishing furniture, and move the furniture to clean off the flooring underneath.

— Don’t forget to sweep your baseboards and ceiling corners, as they gather more cobwebs and dust that you’d think.

If you’re not really sure where to start, try beginning with the room you frequent the most.

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6. Clean Off The Exterior Of Your Home

You never think about cleaning the outside of your home, but it’s astounding how much dust and dirt it picks up.

Now that the weather is improving, now is the time to clean it up and see what you can do to improve it.

— Look at your siding, and see if it needs to be cleaned. In the vast majority of cases, you’ll be able to clean it just by hosing it off. There’s nothing more satisfying that hosing off all the dirt from the winter.

— If you see any mold or mildew on the siding, then you’ll need to put in a little more work to clean it up. You’ll need a mold cleaning solution, to scrub at the offending area until it is clean.

You’ll need a different type of solution depending on the type of siding your home has, so make sure that you check what you’ll need before you start cleaning.


This spring home maintenance checklist will help you get your home ready for the upcoming year.

Take this opportunity to check over your home, and correct any issues that have come up over the last year.

Clean off all those forgotten corners, check all your machinery, and replace anything that needs to be replaced.

With these spring maintenance tips, you’ll soon have a home that’s sparkling clean and ready for the year ahead.